bible study

Chapter 18 The meaning of the saying that you must eat and drink my flesh and blood to gain eternal life
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The reason many church members in the world believe in God is to receive eternal life. The Bible testifies that we must eat and drink the flesh and blood of Yehoshua (Jesus' real name) in order to receive eternal life.


[John 6:53~54] Jesus answered, "I tell you for sure, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not live. But if you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have eternal life, and I will raise you up on the last day."


In order to have eternal life, we must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Yehoshua, but this does not mean that we must actually eat and drink the flesh and drink the blood of Yehoshua. The thousands of disciples who misunderstood this to be the actual words did not understand these words and all left. However, the eleven apostles who believed in Yehoshua as their savior realized that the words of eternal life were in Yehoshua and stayed with him to the end, realizing the secret of eternal life. At the Last Supper, Yehoshua told his disciples that he would die on the cross, rise again, and come to them.


[John 14:18~20] I won't leave you like orphans. I will come back to you. In a little while the people of this world won't be able to see me, but you will see me. And because I live, you will live. Then you will know that I am one with the Father. You will know that you are one with me, and I am one with you.


After his ascension, Yehoshua came to his disciples again by the Holy Spirit, and that's why he said, I will not leave you orphans, and you will know that I and the Father are one. Therefore, another Comforter who comes by the Holy Spirit is the spirit of Yehoshua.


[John 16:13~15] The Spirit shows what is true and will come and guide you into the full truth. The Spirit doesn't speak on his own. He will tell you only what he has heard from me, and he will let you know what is going to happen. The Spirit will bring glory to me by taking my message and telling it to you. Everything that the Father has is mine. That is why I have said that the Spirit takes my message and tells it to you.


The resurrected Yehoshua came as the Holy Spirit after his ascension; therefore, the coming of the Spirit of truth refers to the coming of Yehoshua. The coming of Yehoshua as the Holy Spirit into the bodies of the saints is the mystery of God, which has been hidden from the foundation of the world, and those who realize it will know the secret of eternal life.


[Colossians 1:26~27] For many years this message was kept secret from everyone, but now it has been explained to God's people. God did this because He wanted the Gentiles to realize His wonderful and glorious secret. And the secret is that Christ lives in you, and He is your hope to share in the glory of God.


The mystery of God that has been hidden since the creation of the world is to realize the mystery of Christ who dwells in the body of the saints. Therefore, in order to receive eternal life, the Holy Spirit of the resurrected Lord Yehoshua must come upon the body of the saints. Yehoshua told me to eat and drink my flesh and blood to show the coming of the Holy Spirit. Yehoshua compared His flesh and blood to foods such as true food and true drink. However, this is to explain the coming of the Holy Spirit as a physical principle.


Just as food remains in the body of the eater, so when we eat the flesh and drink the blood of Yehoshua, the body of Yehoshua remains in the bodies of the saints. Therefore, he is saying that we must eat the flesh and drink the blood of Yehoshua to have eternal life. We don't actually have to eat the flesh and drink the blood of Yehoshua, but we can't have eternal life unless the spirit of Yehoshua, the Holy Spirit, comes upon us.


Some churches claim that we must eat the bread and drink the wine of the Last Supper to have eternal life, but their claim is a biblically ignorant one. The wine given by Joshua at the Last Supper is Joshua's blood shed for the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, we need to know the Old Testament temple system in which sacrifices were offered for the forgiveness of sins to know its exact meaning.


IIn the Old Testament temple system, the priest washed his hands and feet in a basin of water before entering the temple, and then sprinkled the blood of the scapegoat on the temple to make atonement. So when you enter the temple of the New Covenant, you must wash your feet. And just as the blood of the scapegoat sprinkled the temple, so must the wine promised by Joshua's blood. When the disciples drank the wine that Joshua gave them, it meant that their bodies became the new temple sprinkled with the blood of the scapegoat. Priests were also privileged to eat the meat of the sacrifices offered in the temple, and the disciples' eating of the bread promised with Joshua's flesh showed that they had become priests of the heavenly temple. 


[Numbers 18:8~10] The LORD said to Aaron: I have put you in charge of the sacred gifts and sacrifices that the Israelites bring to me. And from now on, you, your sons, and your descendants will receive part of the sacrifices for sin, as well as part of the grain sacrifices, and the sacrifices to make things right. Your share of these sacrifices will be the parts not burned on the altar. Since these things are sacred, they must be eaten near the sacred tent, but only men are allowed to eat them.


Therefore, when Yehoshua said, "If you eat my flesh and drink my blood, you will have eternal life," he was not referring to the actual eating and drinking of bread and wine, but to the fact that eternal life is only possible through the infusion of Yehoshua's Holy Spirit.

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God