bible study

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86 Chapter 1 The Real Name of Jesus
Many people who believe in God today know the name of the Savior who saved mankind on the cross 2,000 years ago as Jesus. But the name of the Savior w…
85 Chapter 2 The secret behind the name Jehovah (Yahweh)
Most churchgoers, when asked what the name of God is, will answer Jehovah. However, Jehovah is not the name of God. Many people would be surprised if …
84 Chapter 3 The Father's Name Testified in the Bible
Most believers know the name of the Father in the Bible as "Yahweh." However, Yahweh is not the name of God, but rather means "I am," as we saw in cha…
83 Chapter 4 Do you know the difference between Yehoshua (Jesus…
Many people think of Yehoshua as the son of God. They also think of Yehoshua and humans as the same, but that's not really the case. All humans are bo…
82 Chapter 5 Yehoshua lived a life of prophecy, not coincidence…
The reason we need to know the life and deeds of Yehoshua is because he lived the life prophesied in the Bible. As recorded in the Bible, Yehoshua w…
81 Chapter 6 Advice to beginners and lay people in the faith
There are many people in the world who believe in God. Of course, not everyone seeks God with a pure heart, but some people seek God with a pure heart…
80 Chapter 7 Five Steps to God
The first thing people who believe in God come into contact with is the Bible. Regardless of which denomination, if you join as a new believer, you wi…
79 Chapter 8 Do you know what the Old Testament law is?
The Bible is divided into the laws of the Old Testament and the laws of the New Testament, so what are the laws of the Old Testament? The Apostle Paul…
78 Chapter 9 Do you know what a new drug is?
The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament law refers to the Ten Commandments received at Mount Sinai. Howev…
77 Chapter 10 The Convincing Evidence that the New Covenant Is …
The Bible is divided into the Old Testament and the New Testament. The Old Testament refers to the Ten Commandments received at Mount Sinai. And the n…
76 Chapter 11 Should We Keep the Sabbath and Sunday Worship?
The reason God commanded them to keep the Sabbath was to lead them to the temple, where God dwelt. God was in the temple, and it was in the temple th…
75 Chapter 12 Did they keep the Sabbath in New Testament times?
The Church of God claims that Yehoshua and his disciples kept the Sabbath even in the New Testament. However, this is an ignorant claim that does not …
74 Chapter 13 What is worship in spirit and truth?
God's people must worship in spirit and truth. In the Old Testament, sacrificial animals were sacrificed in temple buildings, whereas in the New Testa…
73 Chapter 14 Does the New Testament teach tithing?
What idol worshipers have in common is a lust for wealth. [Isaiah 3:14~15] He will even judge you rulers and leaders of his own nation. You destro…
72 Chapter 15 What is idolatry?
When God gave the Ten Commandments, the second commandment was not to worship idols. To this, the Prophet Job testified as follows. [Job 31:26~28]…
Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God