bible study

Chapter 34 The meaning of prophecies about the throne of David
manager 21-09-25 23:13 4,357 hit

According to the Bible, it was foretold that Yehoshua would sit on the throne of David. The throne of David that Yehoshua received does not refer to a physical throne, but to a spiritual throne.


[Luke 1:31~32] You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David,


The fact that Joshua sat on David's throne showed that he would become a king like David. Why, then, is David mentioned among the many kings? This is to inform the history of spiritual Israel through the history of physical Israel that began with David. The history of physical Israel that began with David was revealed as the shadow of spiritual Israel that began with Yehoshua. Therefore, if you study the history of physical Israel that began with David, you will see the history of spiritual Israel that began with Yehoshua as if you were seeing it with your own eyes.


In the history of natural Israel, which began with the building of the temple, David laid the foundation for the temple and his son Solomon completed it. However, towards the end of Solomon's time, due to Solomon's idolatry, the nation of Israel was divided into two kingdoms: Israel in the north and Judah in the south. Even after Israel was divided into north and south, Israel in the north and Judah in the south continued to worship idols. Eventually, Israel in the north fell to Assyria and Judah in the south fell to Babylon.


However, this prophecy revealed a prophecy that would be fulfilled from Yehoshua, who sat on David's throne. Just as the physical David laid the foundation of the temple, Joshua, the spiritual David, also laid the foundation for the heavenly temple called the 12 apostles. And the church established through them is the Early Church. However, at the end of the Early Church, it absorbed pagan doctrine and was divided into East and West churches. But this is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Solomon, the son of David. Just as Solomon, the son of David, worshiped idols at the end of Solomon's time and was divided into two kingdoms, the early church was divided into two churches. To summarize what has been said so far:


1) Just as David built the temple site, Yehoshua, who sat on the throne of David, laid the temple site called the 12 apostles.


2) Just as Solomon, the son of David, completed the temple, Yehoshua gave the Holy Spirit to the disciples and made the body of the saints the temple. And through them, the early church was established.


3) At the end of Solomon, the kingdom was divided into two kingdoms due to Solomon's idolatry. Likewise, when heresy was introduced at the end of the Early Church, it was divided into the Eastern Church, which was built around Jerusalem, and the Western Church, which was built around Rome.


4) Northern Israel continued to worship idols after division and kept God's feasts differently, and eventually they were destroyed by Assyria. Likewise, at the end of the early church, the divided Western church colluded with the Roman emperor and absorbed various pagan doctrines, and it was severely corrupted.


5) After division, Judah in the south practiced idolatry, but sometimes obeyed God's will and was protected from foreign invasion. But they were destroyed by Babylon because of the corruption of the priests and leaders. Likewise, the Eastern Church, which was divided at the end of the Early Church, sometimes obeyed the Word of God and kept its purity, but eventually it was merged with the Western Church and deteriorated greatly.


6) Northern Israel and Southern Judah were captured by Babylon and spent 70 years in captivity, and many became slaves. Likewise, after the Eastern and Western churches became one, they became pagans and started anew as a religious organization called Catholicism. As a result, many saints were killed by Catholic witch hunts and the Inquisition.


However, there are few records in the Bible from the liberation of Babylon to Joshua. But it was not because there was nothing, it was sealed through Daniel. The book of Daniel prophesied the history from the liberation of Babylon to the independence of Israel one after another, and God sealed the prophecy so that others could not see it. Therefore, if you know the history after the liberation of Babylon, you will know in detail what will happen at the end of the world.


After liberation from Babylon, Israel returned to the mainland to build a temple, but did not achieve national independence and was ruled by Persia from 537 BC to 333 BC. After the fall of Persia, the Greek Empire ruled over Israel, and after the fall of Greece, four Greek kingdoms divided into Greece continued to rule Israel. And Israel was subjected to religious oppression and slaughter by the Syrian king Antiochus IV, who appeared in 170 BC. However, angered by this, Maccabees of the tribe of Judah raised the people, drove out the Syrian army, and established an independent state called the Hasmonia dynasty. This is the history of Israel after the liberation of Babylon. Therefore, the prophecy and the fulfillment of the prophecy can be summarized as follows.


7) With the help of the Medes and Persians, Israel was liberated from the Babylonian captivity and returned to the mainland to build a temple. However, this prophesied the destruction of Catholicism represented by Babylon. For over a thousand years, Catholicism has killed and harassed tens of millions of people through the Inquisition and witch hunts. As such, the fall of Babylon by the Medes and Persians showed that the evil deeds of Catholicism would be put to an end by Reformers such as Luther and Calvin. The Reformation freed many believers from Catholicism and allowed them to join Protestantism in search of freedom of faith. However, this fulfilled the prophecy that Israel was not independent but was under Persian rule.


8) Israel was ruled by the Persian Empire for 200 years before being ruled by Alexander the Great, who destroyed Persia in 333 BC. However, this shows that believers absorbed into Protestantism after the Reformation will be disappointed and leave Protestantism. Many Protestants zealously followed the Adventist ideas of William Miller, which emerged in 1834. During the decade, he had gathered numerous followers across Europe and America, but his proposed date for the Second Coming of Joshua failed. The event wasted and damaged many people's property, fulfilling the prophecy that Alexander would rule Israel after Persia.


9) When Alexander the Great died at a young age, Greece was divided into four kingdoms, and Israel was ruled by those kingdoms; however, this represents a prophecy that would take place after William Miller. Those who were disappointed with Miller were absorbed into the Seventh-day Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and legalistic churches, which were churches that followed Miller's ideas. However, this was a fulfillment of prophecy that predicted that after the death of Alexander the Great, physical Israel would be ruled once again.


10) Although the four divided kingdoms of Greece continued to dominate Israel, Israel was eventually slaughtered by the religious oppression of Antiochus IV, king of Syria, who appeared in 170 BC. However, this prophesied the church that would appear after the Adventists, Jehovah's Witnesses, and the legalistic church of the Old Testament. Like Antiochus IV, this church will oppress God's people and set up idols so that the saints will serve them.


11) Maccabeus, a man of the tribe of Judah, was angered by the religious oppression of Antiochus IV, so he led a popular uprising among the people and fought the Syrians. And they drove the Syrians out of Israel. But this was prophesied about the two witnesses who received Joshua's Holy Spirit, who came as messengers from the tribe of Judah. The two witnesses will fulfill the prophecy of Antiochus IV and fight the church that appears. Just as the Maccabees recaptured the Jerusalem temple in three and a half years, the two witnesses will build the heavenly temple in three and a half years.


12) A popular uprising by the Maccabees of Judah drove the Syrian army out of Israel and established the independent Hasmonite dynasty, but this prophesied the coming of the kingdom of God after the two witnesses.


Therefore, the history of physical Israel showed prophecies that would happen to spiritual Israel. The history from King David to the establishment of the independent state of Hasmonia shows from Yehoshua who received David's prophecy to the history of the establishment of the kingdom of God. Therefore, if you study the history of Israel, you will also know when the kingdom of God will come.


Therefore, sitting on the throne of David means that the history of Israel that began with the physical King David is the history of spiritual Israel that begins with Yehoshua. This is the secret of the Davidic throne. 

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God