bible study

Chapter 77 Did Jesus Fulfill All Old Testament Prophecies?
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Most Bible students claim that Joshua fulfilled all of the Old Testament prophecies, but this is an ignorant claim. The Old Testament consists of two main types of prophecy: the first is about the Law, and the second is about Israel's history. It is the Law that Yehoshua fulfilled completely.

[Matthew 5:17~18] "Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.

The law that the Bible refers to is the law of the Old Testament, and that law is the Ten Commandments given at Mount Sinai. God gave the Ten Commandments through Moses, built a temple to house the Ten Commandments, and the yearly feasts of Sabbath, Passover, Day of Atonement, and Sukkot were observed in the temple. And the other eleven tribes were required to pay a tenth of a percent tax to support the Levites who officiated in the temple, which was called a tithe. And care was taken to approach God in a clean state, which is the food issue. So these rules are collectively called the Law.

When Yehoshua said, "It is finished," as he was dying on the cross, he was referring to the Law. When we look at the Old Testament Law, we see the Ten Commandments, the covenant of God, the Temple that housed the Ten Commandments, the animals that were sacrificed to enter the Holy of Holies where God was, and the High Priest entering the Holy of Holies with the blood of the sacrificial animals, all of which are shadows of what Yehoshua accomplished. Through his sacrifice on the cross, Yehoshua fulfilled the prophecy of the scapegoat; through his ascension into heaven, he fulfilled the prophecy of the high priest entering the Holy of Holies; through his casting down of the devil in heaven to earth, he fulfilled the prophecy of sending the goat of Asher into the wilderness, and through his coming into the body of the saints by the Holy Spirit, he made the body of the saints into a heavenly temple with the fulfillment of the Feast of Tabernacles, thereby fulfilling every part of the law, even the smallest part. Thus, Yehoshua is the fulfillment of the Law.

[Romans 10:4] Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes.

However, the Old Testament contains not only prophecies of the Law, but also the history of Israel, which was a foreshadowing of the prophecies that would be fulfilled by spiritual Israel. The history of King David and physical Israel, beginning with the building of the Temple, was a foreshadowing of the history of spiritual Israel, beginning with Yehoshua, who sat on David's throne; Yehoshua was both the end of the Law and the beginning of spiritual Israel.

The history of Israel, which began with King David, did not end in itself, but continued with his son Solomon, and at the end of Solomon's life, Israel, which was one nation, was divided into two nations, Northern Israel and Southern Judah, and Northern Israel was destroyed by Assyria and Southern Judah by Babylon. 

After the Babylonian captivity, they returned to their homeland, but were unable to establish their independence and were continuously ruled by the four divided nations of Persia, Greece, and Hellas, until around 170 BC when they were massacred by the Syrian king Antiochus IV in a religious crackdown. However, in response to this, Judah Maccabees led a popular uprising that led to the recapture of the Temple in Jerusalem within three and a half years and the establishment of the Hasmonite dynasty. However, this was a foreshadowing of what would happen to spiritual Israel beginning with Yehoshua, and you can read more about this in the link below.

Thus, with the end of the Law, Yehoshua ushered in a new beginning for spiritual Israel. A good study of the history of physical Israel will enable us to rightly discern not only the prophecies of spiritual Israel, but also the times in which we live. 

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God