Questions and Answers

Why the Church of God fails to interpret the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation.
manager 23-08-16 12:17 411 hit
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The Bible is connected by prophecy and fulfillment. Therefore, if you don't know the history of the Old Testament (prophecy), you can't know the history of the New Testament (fulfillment) as it unfolds. The history of Israel beginning with David foreshadowed the history of spiritual Israel beginning with Jesus. David's laying of the foundation of the temple was a prophecy that Jesus, who received David's prophecy, would lay the foundation of the temple called the 12 apostles, and the completion of the temple by David's son Solomon showed that the temple (the early church) would be completed by the 12 apostles who followed Jesus. The division of the one church into the Eastern and Western churches at the end of the early church was a fulfillment of the prophecy that the one nation of Israel would be divided into two nations, North Israel and South Judah, due to Solomon's idolatry.


Continued idolatry and wickedness led to the destruction of Northern Israel by Assyria and Southern Judah by Babylon, a prophecy of what would happen after the early church. The fall of the Western Church, which absorbed pagan beliefs, was the fulfillment of the prophecy of the destruction of Northern Israel, and the absorption of the Eastern Church into the Western Church was the fulfillment of the prophecy of the destruction of Southern Judah. The emergence of a new religion, Catholicism, heralded the rise of a spiritual Babylon. Just as Israel was taken to Babylon and enslaved, many of its members fell victim to Catholic witch-hunts and inquisitions. Thus, Catholicism fulfilled the prophecy of a spiritual Babylon.


The Church of God is well aware that the Catholic Church fulfilled the Babylonian prophecy. However, they claim that their leader, Ahnsahnghong, fulfilled the prophecy of the spiritual Cyrus, who destroyed Babylon. Thus, the Church of God claims that the history of spiritual Israel, which began with Jesus, ended with the Catholic fulfillment of the Babylonian prophecy. In the book of Daniel, the history of Israel does not end with Babylon, but continues with the Medes, Persians, Greeks, the four kingdoms that broke away from Greece, up to Antiochus IV, who emerged in 170 B.C., and after that the independent kingdom of Hasmonea, established by a popular uprising in Maccabees. So the history of the Church does not end with the Catholic Church fulfilling the prophecy of spiritual Babylon, but rather with spiritual Medes, Persians, Greeks, etc. The first little horn in Daniel 7 prophesied the Catholic Church, which fulfilled the prophecy of spiritual Babylon, and the subsequent prophecies from Daniel 8 onward prophesied the rise of spiritual Medes, Persia, and Greece after spiritual Babylon. But because the Church of God does not know the hidden history, it cannot know the book of Daniel and the prophecies of Revelation that unfold through it.


Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God