Questions and Answers

Church of God Who Wants to Be God Kim Joo-cheol
manager 23-08-07 22:11 435 hit
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When you are baptized in the Church of God, your name and biographical information are recorded in a booklet called the Book of Life and you are assigned a life number. The Church of God claims that they are following the Bible's teachings by recording names in the Book of Life because the Bible says that only those whose names are recorded in the Book of Life will go to heaven.


Names in the Book of Life can be erased and rewritten, something that only God can do. However, according to the Church of God's bylaws, Mr. Kim has the final authority to discipline members. Therefore, Mr. Kim has the authority to erase the names of Church of God members from the Book of Life, which is a deification of himself as God. 

Article 28 (President)

1.The President of the General Assembly shall be Mr. Joo-cheol Kim, appointed by Heavenly Father Ahnsahnghong, and his term of office shall be for life.

2.The chief officer for the dissemination and transmission of the truth of the Church of God.

3. is the chief custodian of Church assets and oversees the finances of the Church.

4. is the supreme interpreter of the Articles of Incorporation of the Church of God and the Bylaws of the Church of God.

5. is the supreme decision maker in saintly discipline.

6. the president is the chief officer of all departments and all congregations of the Church of God.


Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God