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Testimony of a believer who attended Ahnsahnghong Church) Finding happiness after 50 years of wandering
manager 23-08-06 12:15 537 hit
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God, who promises to reward those who seek and find with all their heart, finally brought me the truth I had been thirstily searching for for over 50 years. I met Mr. Ahn Sang-hong, who had been a member of the Sabbath Church for over 30 years and came out after hearing the Passover. For 18 years, I loyally and faithfully observed the Passover and festivals taught by Mr. Ahn, rejoicing that I had received the wonderful truth. But as time went on, Mr. Ahn was not a prophet, his life was corrupted to the point of depravity, none of his prophecies came true, his faith was only a means of subsistence, and in the end he had nothing but disappointment and discouragement. The one who shouted that Elijah would not die but ascend to heaven alive suddenly died of high blood pressure, and the one who shouted that the end of the world would come in 1988 was also false. I was so ashamed of being deceived by Mr. Ahn that I couldn't even show my face.

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God