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video) Why the Church of God disrupted protesters' demonstrations.
manager 23-07-23 09:07 663 hit
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The Church of God has disrupted protests by Church of God victims, but their comments to the protesters suggest that the general membership and leadership have other ideas. Kim and Jang insist that the Church of God did not shout apocalyptic messages, as the protesters claimed. They said that the Church of God does not cause divorces and runaways, does not call earthly homes fake or call unbelieving husbands devils, and does not teach that not tithing and evangelizing are signs of a curse. They argued that they were rightfully interfering because the protesters were spreading falsehoods. But the average believer had other ideas.


The reason for the confusion was that the protesters had insulted Zhang Gilja. In the video linked below, the father and daughter worshippers detained by the police protested, "How can we stand by and watch them insult the Mother Goddess?" The reason they disrupted the protest was because they were insulting Zhang Gilja, whom they worship as a deity. The protesters never insulted Zhang Gilja.


They questioned how a divorced woman could be God when the Bible says God hates divorce, and they criticized how a con artist who extorted property from people could be God when God doesn't trick people into taking their property. But they were apparently insulted by the protesters' criticism, which is the kind of thing you'd expect from a terrorist organization masquerading as a religion.


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