Questions and Answers

video) The joint offense of the Church of God of organized use of vehicles to disrupt protests and deface banners.
manager 23-07-23 08:36 696 hit
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The Church of God has tried many ways to stop victims' groups from protesting: lacquering banners, applying to the courts for orders to shut down websites, defacing banners with knives, mobilizing church members like gangs, and mobilizing female church members - their tactics have been crude and illegal.


However, this incident seems to have taken a different turn from the previous ones. Three other boxcars were blocking the front, back, and sides of a protest vehicle that was unloading protest supplies from a boxcar for a protest in front of a church. These were members of the Church of God. The protesters' vehicle was blocked by these vehicles and could not move. They were trespassing on the road and blocking traffic. Many drivers protested, but they would not move.


Moments later, a woman was attached to the protesters' vehicle, spraying the banner with lacquer spray. It was clear that they had planned this in advance: they blocked the area with vehicles to prevent the public from seeing them, and another believer defaced the banner. They looked like thugs. They were cursing, threatening, and intimidating: they referred to the Long Life and threatened that this would happen to them if they opposed the Long Life. The crime lasted for 20 minutes and paralyzed traffic in the area.


Who is responsible for this? Do you think Church of God leaders Kim Joo-cheol and Jang Gil-jah didn't know about this?


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