Questions and Answers

The mindset of a Church of God child who believes the world will end in 2012.(Conversation history)
manager 23-07-22 21:31 787 hit
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The following is a conversation between a child who attends the Church of God with his mother and a father who does not. The child has been brainwashed by the teachings of the Church of God and believes that the world will end in 2012. 


<Date of recoded: 2012>


Dad: OO, Please look at me. Did mum tell you that this world will be end this year at 2012? OO please answer me.

Child: Yes

Dad: Did mum tell you how the world end? Did mum explain that?

Child: There will be earthquake

Dad: Earthquake? and?

Child: The sky will collapse and ground will sink

Dad: Would sky collapse and ground sink? Did you believe that? Please let me know

Child: Yes

Dad: See everybody is fine... car is running... How sky collapse and ground sink? that’s all lies

Child: I was told that will be happening suddenly

Dad: Suddenly? If the world will be end this year, why people go school? Why people go to work? That’s all lies. Do you think I am right or wrong? You are too young to be wise so you believe mum say.

Dad: OO. The world is not ending this year. What if the world is not end this year?

Child: that is just “if”

Dad: The world was not end when you were 4th year in your school. You turn up 4th year. See the world was not end

Child: 4th year.... well.....

Dad: What if the world is not end when you turn up 5 year?

Child: If that will happen, that’s strange.

Dad: See that is lies. Mum lied on you that the world is end at 2012

Child: No way. The world is end!!

Dad: The world is not end this year !!

Child: No!! The world is end this year!!

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God