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Affidavit of Kim Jung-wook, Registered Director of the Church of God
manager 23-07-21 17:46 694 hit
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The declarant has held important positions in the Church of God (Jang Gil-ja), including director under the Articles of Incorporation, and has worked to grow the church for over 20 years.


The declarant joined the Church of God in 1991 and completed the fifth cadet class of the Church of God's General Theological Seminary in Bongcheon-dong, Seoul in 1994. Over the next 20 years, until 2013, the declarant served as a member of the Church of God, including as a director under the Articles of Incorporation, and held positions as Human Resources Director, Public Relations Director, Legal Director, Cultural Affairs Director, and Executive Director of the General Assembly. The affiant has also served as a pastor of Songpa Church, Seocho Church, Seongnam Church, and Geumcheon Church, and has watched the Church of God (Jang Gil-ja) from the time when it had only a few hundred members, and is more familiar with the realities of the Church of God (Jang Gil-ja) than anyone else.


Emphasizing catastrophes and the end of the world, the Church of God has long targeted women in their 20s and 40s, especially mothers with children. Homes with strollers and piles of laundry were the best places to evangelize. The Church of God's pattern of emphasizing catastrophes and the end of the world has been longstanding. The Church of God has made women in their 20s and 40s with children its primary target. Church of God evangelists preach five days a week starting at 10 a.m. Few men are present, and most are women who are housewives.


As the age of the evangelized increased from the late 20s to the 40s, the targets of evangelism also became women and children whom they felt comfortable talking to. In the early days of the Church of God (Jang Gil-jah), evangelism was called door-to-door evangelism, where you went to any house and knocked on the door, but most of the time the houses were empty, so in the early days of evangelism, if you went to about 100 houses, there were only about 5 or 6 houses where you could talk to.


Married women with children were able to focus their evangelism by talking to their children because most of the time they are at home. Women with babies or children are even more effective because they are always at home. If you walk by and see a stroller with a child in it or a load of laundry, you assume there's a baby mom, so you focus on her. In fact, baby moms are often the preferred target for evangelism because they're more approachable if you use their children as the subject of your story. Also, baby moms are stressed out with childcare, so if an evangelist plays with the kids or arranges a time for the moms to rest, they can naturally evangelize through Bible studies in between.


The reason why women are the main target of evangelism is that women are more likely to stay at home than men during door-to-door evangelism, and once they start catechizing, they are more engaged in Bible study than men. Women are more sincere and meticulous than men in Bible study, and they actively participate in evangelism. Because the Church of God (Jang Gil-jah sect) emphasizes evangelism to women, the number of evangelisms to women was evaluated and recognized more highly than the number of evangelisms to men when selecting district leaders.


In the 2000s, as the internet developed and there were more bad stories about the Church of God (Jang Gil-ja), it became difficult to evangelize directly, so the church told us not to say "Church of God" but to get to know them first. Holding tea parties or origami gatherings to get to know them and then evangelize became the current way of evangelizing.


When I was pastor of Seocho Church in 1999, the Church of God (Jang Gil-ja sect) taught that the end would come before 2012 based on Ahn's book, and Jang Gil-ja and Kim Joo-cheol openly taught that, so church leaders and members were convinced. In this atmosphere, the Seocho Church, where I was pastor, also preached that a catastrophe could happen at any time during Y2K and asked the congregation to prepare emergency supplies. However, I know that other churches in the area went even further than ours in preparing for the end of the world by preparing various emergency supplies such as dry bread, bottled water, sleeping bags, gloves, winter parkas, emergency heating equipment, etc. Kim Joo-cheol and Zhang Gil-jiajiao didn't stop when they found out. In hindsight, it was a ploy to use the apocalypse to inspire loyalty and encourage church attendance, giving, and evangelism.


By 2000, there was an atmosphere of sacrificing everything for the sake of the church, which naturally led to explosive growth as many members gave their wealth to the church. Even after the 1999 apocalypse, apocalypticism was a staple of evangelism, especially evangelism that linked the end of the world to various disasters, including climate change, nuclear explosions, comet strikes, wars, and AIDS. The Church of God created a sense of urgency and emphasized the need to observe the Passover, which the Church of God observes, to avert various disasters. After all, there is no way to explain the explosive growth of the Church of God without mentioning disasters and the end of the world.

They emphasized the end of the world every year until 2012, and as 2012 passed, the church members became increasingly agitated. In response, Jang Gil-ja and Kim Joo-cheol said that the reason the end of the world did not come in 2012 as Ahnsahnghong had predicted was that, just as there is an inspection when a building is completed, God's will has been fulfilled, but it is being delayed because it is an inspection period for God's final judgment. When I first heard the story about the completion inspection, I realized that Jang Gil-ja and Kim Joo-cheol were not being truthful with the saints.


The so-called Yang Jae-dong team was led by Jeong, who initially created the group with lawyers from the Church of God to solve his own legal problems, but with the church's support, it became a group of church members seeking divorce.


The Church of God taught us how to file for divorce efficiently and how to gather evidence in favor of divorce. In fact, the women who received help from Yang Jae-dong's team were able to gather evidence in favor of divorce and easily divorce their husbands.


I am not unaware of the consequences of daring to criticize and reprimand the General Assembly of the Church of God (Zhang Gil-jia), but I have believed that the Church of God has been the ark of salvation for more than 20 years, and seeing what has happened in our church in the past few years, I feel compelled to tell the truth now. I affirm that the foregoing statements are true, and if there is any untruth in them, I will accept any punishment.



Kim Jung-wook, registered director of the Church of God


Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God