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Church of God Latest News (from a tipster)
manager 23-07-19 09:07 610 hit
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1. You're not publishing stories because you asked the Signal app not to publish them. This is an abrupt action. The same goes for stories on Instagram. I don't know if it's just me, or vice versa, but they tell me not to post it because it might get leaked, which means there are a lot of whistleblowers out there.


2. Many believers get married.

Female youth -Male youth

There are a lot of inter-provincial marriages. It's too much like the Unification Church. It's a wedding I should be blessing, but I feel so sorry for them. Marriage is an important part of life. But saints get married in a hurry. I don't understand getting married after a few dates, it's so pathetic.



Comment on #1: The ban on taking photos of the event and publishing the article appears to be a measure to prevent molcas rather than a concern about photo leaks. When Hanpimo exposed the Church of God's practice of collecting cell phones at events, Pastor Kim Joo-cheol may have been conscious of people's interest and took steps to allow people to take photos freely. However, collecting phones when so much information had already been leaked would have been burdensome and may have created an atmosphere of "if you're not going to put it in the story, why take it?", making people reluctant to take pictures.


Comment on #2: This seems to be a ploy to keep young people who have worked so hard on the program from leaving the church to pursue their own futures - careers, marriage, relationships, studies, etc. However, the testimonies of leavers indicate that the church is not a romantic environment, which is probably why the number of young people leaving the church in search of a partner has increased significantly. As a result, the number of young adults leaving the church in search of a partner may have increased significantly. It seems that the church, now aware of the young people's struggles, tried to prevent them from leaving through comprehensive matchmaking activities. But life is not all about rationality, humans are greedy in their pursuits, so when they are hungry, they want to eat, when they are sleepy, they want to sleep, and when they are married, they worry about their future, not just wanting to have children. The low birth rate in Korea is also due to high housing prices and low wages. People don't have children because they don't want to pass on a crappy life to their own children.


Many married young people will return to the world worried about their future, many divorces will occur along the way, and the church will once again face winds and trials it cannot handle.

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God