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Testimony (Kim Yun-ho, daughter-in-law of Ahnsahng Hong-kyo of the Church of God)
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"I was the daughter-in-law of Ahnsahnghong Ahn of the Church of God"


Knowing that Ahnsahnghong was God, she decided to dedicate herself to this truth and married his eldest son, whom she had met three or four times.


However, from the day I got married and lived in Shiga, my heart was filled with darkness every day. The words and life of Rev. Ahnsahnghong were so out of sync that I spent my days staring at the ceiling and weeping.


My in-laws weren't getting along either, and they hadn't known true happiness since they got married. Every time they met, it seemed like all they could think about was biting, gossiping, and making a fool of someone.


Everyone believed in my father-in-law, Ahn Sang-hong, as a god, but I started to drift away from that belief.


How can you call yourself God if you can't even love your own family? I also began to realize how absurd it was to believe that no matter what sins I committed, as long as I kept Passover, I would ascend to heaven, an absurd dogma, a delusional belief.


If you believe in God, shouldn't you have a loving heart, a forgiving heart, stay away from sin, become holy, and be full of joy and happiness? The lives of the church members were not changed, and they were worse than the unbelievers.


I, too, washed feet, ate bread, and kept Passover for 10 years, but instead of resembling the heart of Jesus, I was left with a heart of hate, envy, and jealousy. Also, after my father-in-law (Ahn Sang-hong) died, a fight broke out in the church and the church split into two factions.


As the daughter-in-law of Rev. Ahnsahnghong, I have seen and heard everything about my father-in-law, living in one house and eating one pot of rice, and I know exactly how things really are. We don't know how many self-proclaimed Jesuses there are in the world, but if you look at their lives, you can tell exactly who is real and who is not.

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God