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**Testimony of the 7th Director of the Church of God** The Church of God has lied to its members.
manager 23-07-17 08:08 824 hit
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[The following is an excerpt from the testimony of Rev. Kim Jung-wook, a former director of the Church of God. I'm posting this because it gives a little insight into how the church's leader, Jang Gil-ja, manipulated the members].



Third, the Church of God changed its position in 1988 and said it never said the end was coming.


In 2006, after gathering leaders in the dining hall of the Okcheon Training Center, the General President, Rev. No Kyun Park, taught the following.


"From now on, our church will not talk about the 1988 world end that we instigated, and in the future we will not teach the saints about the 1988 issue at all. There have been cases in some churches where older local leaders taught new believers the prophecy of Jonah, and we hope that this will not happen in the future. All related materials, local leader manuals, and evidence used by each church should be destroyed or returned to the General Conference. Father's words about 2012 in "The Bridegroom..." did not refer to the end of the world. He simply said it would be the last time the Jerusalem Temple would be completed."


It was very difficult for me to understand how Rev. Park was able to do this. I listened to his sermon on tape at the 1988 General Assembly when I was the Director of Culture, and there was power and conviction in his sermon.


"Anyone who has the slightest doubt about the '88 Apocalypse does not have the qualifications of a prophet," and "any pastor who does not properly proclaim the '88 Apocalypse will be dismissed as a pastor." As a result, what the members of the Church of God did for a year was described above. Their actions were under the leadership of the General President, who practiced the words of Ahnsahnghong. It was indeed a bold expression of faith, but they were covering up the truth by denying Ahnsahnghong's words and the history of the church in 2006, six years before the 2012 prophecy.

Latter Rain Holy Spirit Kingdom of God