
Pastor Ahn Sang-hong of the Church of God has proclaimed a total of five doomsday dates.
manager 23-08-06 14:09 521 hit

The Church of God's Ahnsahnghong proclaimed a total of five end-time dates. Interpreting Moses' actions as prophecies that would manifest in the present, Ahnsahnghong claimed that the 167 days from the Day of Atonement on July 10 of the Jewish calendar, when Moses received the second Ten Commandments, to January 1 of the following year, when the Temple was completed, were prophecies that would manifest themselves and the Sabbath Church. Thus, he claimed that the world would end in 2011, at the end of 167 years based on 1844, when the Sabbatarian church was founded; however, since God had excluded 40 years for the chosen ones, he claimed that 1971 would be the end. However, when the expected end did not happen, he put all the blame on the Sabbatarian church, which you can read about in the link below.


After the failed 1971 apocalypse, Ahnsahnghong Kyoju became immersed in the doctrines of his church member, Umsuin Evangelist, and proposed a new eschatology for the year 1988. In a pamphlet called "God in the Flesh," Umman claimed that the Second Coming Jesus would ascend to heaven with his followers in 1988 at the age of 70 after 37 years of evangelizing, and that the world would end that year.


However, the shock of the 1971 apocalypse failing to occur required insurance against it, and that is the 2012 apocalypse. Ahn Sahng-hong, concerned that the 1988 apocalypse he predicted would not occur, added the doctrine of God's delayed coming. The 168 days that elapsed between the day Moses received the Second Ten Commandments on July 10 of the Jewish calendar and the completion of the Temple on January 1 of the following year was a prophecy that the world would end in 2012, the end of 168 years since the founding of the Sabbath Church in 1844, Ahn said.


However, when he claimed the end in 1971, he said that the temple was completed in 167 days. However, he later reversed his claim, stating that the temple was completed in 168 days. Thus, Ahn's eschatology is divided into five main categories.


First: The end of the world will be in 2011, the end of the 167 years since 1844 when the Sabbatarian religion was established.


Second: The world will end in 2011, but He has excluded 40 years for the elect, so 1971 will be the end of the world.


Third, when Israel, likened to a fig tree, becomes independent, the Second Coming appears, preaches the 37 years of the gospel that Jesus did not, starting at age 33, and the world ends at age 70 when the gospel is complete. Therefore, 1988 is the end of the world.


Fourth: The 168 days from July 10 of the Jewish calendar, when the Second Commandment was given, to January 1 of the following year, when the Temple was completed, is a sign that the world will end in 2012, the end of the 168 years since the founding of the Sabbath Church in 1844. Therefore, the world will end in 2012.


Fifth: The Bible says that God's predestined end is slow in coming. Since it is slow, there will be a point, and that point is 1988. God will be slow from 1988. No one knows what day it will be between 1988 and 2012. But the year 2012, when the Temple is completed, will never pass. Therefore, every day of the 24-year period from 1988 to 2012 will be the end.


Ahnsahnghong Ahnsahng of the Church of God has proclaimed a total of five different end-time dates, but members of the Church of God are not aware of these.


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